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MK Care Inc. 

MK Care Inc. is a private mental health organization serving adults who are working to recover from both emotional and behavioral disturbances that interfere with the quality of life in society. Having focused on personal dignity and quality of care, we strive to provide the services that meet individual needs.  It is our goal to work collaboratively with each client to live and work successfully in their daily lives.


Our service focuses on interdisciplinary individual and group psychotherapy for mainly Asian communities in the New York metropolitan area.  In order to provide the best services for our patients and clients, our clinicians are trained to maintain awareness and sensitivity regarding cultural differences in confidentiality and privacy.


Our primary approach to achieve our goal is to work to build and fortify inherent strengths and confidence to cope with emotional struggles and difficult situations as well as increase self-awareness in maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving in both personal and professional life.  To maximize comfort and progress, we create a warm, safe, and confidential environment in order for clients to be able to share anything that comes into their minds, at their own pace.



MK Care Inc. は, 成人患者を中心に個人又はグループ様式で心理カウンセリング/心理療法を提供している民間組織です。心のクリニックとして心理の健康向上に重点を置き、お薬による対症治療ではなく、日々の悩みや心中の苦しみを専門家とお話しながら治癒していくサービスを提供しております。






MK Care Inc. 是一家私营心理治疗与咨询机构,可以帮助您克服心理上的各种问题和忧虑。MK重视每一个人的生活质量与自觉幸福, 我们会根据您的需要, 为您提供度身订做的最佳治疗方案。我们提供药物治疗外, 更透过与专业心理治疗师的有效沟通,来治疗并减轻您心理上的痛楚和压力。


我们主要为居于纽约市的亚洲成年人提供个人疗法和团体疗法。为了提供最优质的服务, 每位专业的心理治疗师都会遵从严格的规定, 对每一个个案进行绝对的保密,尊重个人隐私。


我们的目标是帮助您建立坚强的内心与自信心, 提升个人的适应力和心理质量,减少对周边环境变化而产生的忧虑,从而建立更佳的心理来面对纠结和困难。


MK Care Inc. 提供一个既温暖并保密的环境, 让您更放心与我们分享您的想法。

欢迎您联系我们, 并祝您在人生的旅程中迈出新的一步。

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